But that's just it. It's potential. It remains a blank page, empty and simply waiting. The fear of smothering that potential with a mistake is what keeps the pen from ever touching the still flawless surface. The fear of taking such a risk produces another lonely, forlorn journal.
Ooh, a metaphor for life without even trying.
HowEVER, writing about this fear of writing has given me journal/blog material.
So today was just another day somewhat wasted. Waking up late caused me to be late to work, so naturally, I passed out compliments like candy. Co-workers do love candy. (I was being honest though, sarcasm aside; they are a lovely bunch. And I love giving it away just as much.) But there are sharp whispers I hear about this black list: the human resources department and their ax of unemployment has fallen with devastating swiftness and frequency. I heard sighs of relief all around the office as they found themselves still able to log in to their computer accounts, just for a day longer. But incompetency and obsoleteness can be found dotted all around the hospital outside of our little world of Purchasing/Shipping & Receiving. The blood of the young lamb on our door keeps them away. Demon be gone.
The rest of it was cooking and vegging at my desk, thinking of what I want to do for this blog. Such a wasted day. I could have cleaned my room or the kitchen, I could have learned another song on the piano, I could have returned my library books, I could have invented something, or just bothered to put socks on so my feet wouldn't be blocks of ice and numbed pain now. I swear, today will be the last of this laziness. This winter break has done more harm than good!
Ah, returning to school. So, I guess this gives a little intro as to talking about myself-- at least, I'll make it that way.
My name is Jenn, eighteen, happily a freshman at U.C. Berkeley and passionately in love with life, mostly. I woke up one day and realized that I would be better off as an optimist, and I've been one ever since. I cherish friendships and love to help people, to listen to people, to give advice or a cup of tea. Some (most) say I have a mother/savior complex, but I find joy in it. I believe in the simplicity of life and choices but understand that simplicity has no direct correlation with ease and comfort. I have a troubled mind and a tumultuous home life, but that doesn't mean the home lacks love and my thoughts are void of light. I respect, care for and love my mother, father and sister tremendously.
I am a student.
I am a reader.
I am a helper.
I am a dancer.
I am a writer.
I am a music lover.
I am a sister.
I am a daughter.
I am a friend.
I am an explorer.
I am a lover.
I am a leader.
I am a healer.
I am a person of faith.
I am a dreamer.

That's me, with more to come and more to discover.
With sincerity and a hint of sarcasm,